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TRUMP ON GAZA: STRATEGIC PROVOCATION AGAINST ISRAEL AND IN FAVOR OF THE NEO-HITLERIAN RUSSIA-CHINA AXIS – A gift to genocidal anti-Semitism that appears mainly as "left anti-imperialist" and to the fascist expansionist Netanyahu clique

  • Κυριακή, 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2025

This is a translation of the article published on February 7, 2025 on the website of the Greek Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Organization for the Reconstruction of the KKE (OAΚKE) in the Greek Language *

The pro-Russian fascist and provocateur Trump from the first moment he was sworn in as president of the United States keeps doing only one thing. That is to dissolve any unity of bourgeois democratic countries, especially European ones, against neo-Hitlerian Russia-China Axis, to threaten them and thus to pushing them along with the countries of the Third World into the hands of the Axis. For this, he goes as far as to threaten to occupy even with economic or military violence territories affiliated to the European Union, such as the hitherto Danish Greenland, Canada and Panama, to blackmail the heroic Ukraine by demanding to sell itself out to the USA as a condition for getting their help, thus vindicating one of the arguments of Russian propaganda. Trump is trying to make the so-called rift in the Atlantic a reality. This is the most basic goal of Russian imperialism, namely to sharpen relations between the US and Europe. But Trump's most provocative move so far is that he is trying to turn the entire Muslim world, that is, two billion people, in fact every country and every people around the world against Israel and thus send everyone into the arms of the anti-Semites – "anti-Zionist" cannibals, that is, again finally to the neo-Hitlerian axis of China and Russia who guide and cultivate this most inhumane of all racist hatreds.

That is why Trump is right next to Netanyahu when he announces the ethnic cleansing of 2 million Palestinians who will be forced to go to live "humanely" in other Arab countries, mainly in Egypt and Jordan or in other countries, while Gaza will become US property.


We believe that Trump cannot accomplish something so monstrous, not only due to political restrictions but also due to military ones, as he represents a rapidly declining American superpower and to some extent a bourgeois democracy, however wounded and broken. Because here we are not only talking about the occupation of foreign sovereign national territory, but also about the brutal ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people who inhabit it. The fact that Trump is careful not to make it clear how extensive and how permanent this ethnic cleansing will be is not so much important as that it will surely take a long time. We believe that the main reason why Trump uttered this monstrosity, was this: that Netanyahu and Israel in general, and indeed its public opinion, agree with it. The Prime Minister of Israel therefore agreed to hand over to another country the Palestinian territory that did not belong to him, and specifically to a distant imperialist power in order to ethnic cleanse it in principle "temporarily". Especially the openly fascist politicians in Israel, supporters of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians like Ben Gvir and Smotrich, celebrated this "divine intervention". Both have been organizers of Jewish settlers’ terrorism against the Palestinian population in the West Bank since the very first months of the war.

Now, that the war in Gaza is on pause, a great tension has begun in the West Bank, with for which both the Netanyahu clique and the extreme right are to be held responsible, but of course also the emboldened Hamas that has launched a parallel initiative. But all this is now covered up by Trump's brutal statements and their adoption by the government of Israel while international diplomacy has been reacting to the great joy of Hamas and the Russian-Chinese Nazis that see their wildest dreams coming true. Israel, which they want to wipe off the map with a new Holocaust, makes sure to provoke itself as it appears to want to expel a people from their homeland, following a long period, almost a year and a half, during which the genocidal anti-Semites have pointed it to be a state that deliberately bombed this same people as part of a supposedly genocidal plan of its own. This reversal of reality has been easy until now for the anti-Semites to accomplish, because Israel did not take into account in its manner of waging the war the response of the world masses to it in political terms. Now, the reversal of reality would be an automatic process if Israel as a society, or at least a significant part of it, stepped on Trump's mine and did not strongly condemn the Trump-Netanyahu ethnic cleansing plan.

The whole point is for Israel's democratic forces to find the moral strength and political acumen to take a stand even though the Israeli population share feelings of loathing and fear of the Hamas Nazis and this is exploited by right-wing extremists to make the politically disastrous equation: “Palestinians equals Hamas, so say no to the Palestinian state”. The Palestinian people have turned to anti-Semitism both before the Oslo Accords and even the more so since then. But if you don't distinguish the SS from the German people and demand during the anti-fascist World War II, or worse before it, the disappearance of the German nation or the disappearance of Germany, then you've lost the war. Because you won’t convince humanity to fight against nazism if you do not assure it that you, the democrat antifascist, are different from the monsters.

If Israel and especially the movement against anti-Semitism succumbs to Trump's provocation, the "monstrous lie that won't die", i.e. the non-existent Jewish conspiracy, which is now the "Zionist" conspiracy, for world domination and control of the world, will work with unprecedented momentum. This was the Hitler’s flagship for the Holocaust made up by the Tsarist Okhrana to justify its infamous pogroms against the Jews and its criminal "storm troopers" against the first Russian Revolution of 1905. If Israel succumbs, the Nazi axis of Russia-China will show to the world the terrified Jew of Israel, who will still feel what the October 7 massacre means, just to call him out for being an "American-Zionist colonialist genocide perpetrator", pointing this time to a real Nakba (destruction) for the Palestinians or the threat of one. Because the real culprits of the 1948 Nakba were, according to the then revolutionary USSR, not the Jews of Israel defending their newborn state and their existence but British imperialism and its Arab feudal allies. Unfortunately, the Israeli opposition, mainly the center under Gantz but also the center-left under Lapid, still follow the anti-Palestinian fears of the masses created by the Nazi provocateurs of Hamas and cultivated by the fascists of Israel. Thus, they do not step forward to enlighten the masses that the greatest danger today for Israel and all democrats fighting against antisemitism is the global political isolation of Israel. The danger is that this democratic state of refuge for the Jews would appear, for a moment even, to be the "Zionist monster", the scarecrow that Great Russian chauvinism constructed for the anti-Semites when it seized the leadership of the socialist Soviet Union in 1956 and a few years later transformed the first socialist country into a Nazi-style dictatorship in flashy red clothes. In fact, this new anti-Semitic scarecrow was constructed in the trial of Nazi criminal Eichmann in Israel in the early 1960s. Great Russian chauvinists, then, accused Jewish Zionist leaders of being Nazis who exterminated their people to cover up their alleged collaboration with Hitler. This is what Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov was implying when he said on May Day 2022 that "Hitler also had Jewish blood" in response to the question, "how can Ukrainians be Nazis since Zelensky is Jewish?" He said this publicly and this became known worldwide. But as a master of duplicity, Lavrov said and did not say at the same time that he stood for the far-right-wing Netanyahu on the Russian state channel 24, in late December 2023: “By the way, Netanyahu said he wants to destroy Hamas; that sounds like demilitarization. And he said extremism in the Strip must be eliminated. Sounds like denazification,” Lavrov said according to the Times of Israel, referencing the two goals of Russia’s so-called “special operation” in Ukraine”.

But this has NOT been made world-wide known. It was specifically targeted at a safe Russian sanitary environment, since Putin has abolished all freedom of speech and expression and with it any remotely independent TV channel. At the same time Nazi Hamas was regularly visiting Russia and had meetings with top officials. Just two days before the announcement of the "tourist" Riviera plan for Gaza by the provocateur Trump, his real political boss, Putin's Russia had officially invited Musa Abu Marzouk, a member of the Hamas Political Bureau, to Moscow. There on February 3, in a modest ceremony, without drumbeat, without cameras, the Kremlin called on Marzouk to surrender Russian Israeli hostages and for Hamas to observe the second stage of the ceasefire and the exchange of Israeli hostages for Palestinian prisoners.

In the face of the pompous bully Trump, who is solemnly abolishing the entire international law with "tourist projects", the supposedly modest multipolar world, "holy Russia" of "traditional values", appears to respect the agreements. But it was Russia that first blew them all up with its plots, with the bait of territorial booty to the ruling class in Israel, it was the one who encouraged and strengthened Netanyahu's Israeli far-right. See in detail the OAKKE article, 22 January 2018, "Trump's historic provocation with Jerusalem".

We wrote then, that: "it was Russia that on April 7, 2017 first violated the position of all the countries of the world, which was politically enshrined by the UN, that no state should follow Israel and recognize even a part of Jerusalem, even the western part, as the capital of Israel, because this would be like breaking the agreement that the sharing of the city should take place at the same time with the implementation of a peace agreement between the two states of Israel and Palestine.

That is, Putin's Russia, the global center of anti-Semitism whose standard-bearer is the Russian Orthodox Church, became the first country in the world to officially recognize a part of Jerusalem, West Jerusalem, as the capital of Israel, so as to encourage Trump's respective provocative move and at that eight months before that. And yet this terrible move caused absolutely no international uproar, because that was the intention of Russia itself. The lack of any condemnation of this act by the preachers of anti-Jewish hatred around the world, especially those who spread it in the Arab and Muslim world, led by Hamas, is proof that all these movements are consciously Russophile."

That’s not a coincidence. As then, so now the passionate crowds of pseudo-leftist anti-Semites in US universities, in Western metropoles and in extremely anti-Semitic Greece have suddenly went into hibernation and disappeared from avenues. Like an order was given or somebody turned off the switch and everything got frozen. So, while they were shouting loudly against Israel when Biden was in office, now that Trump is raging on anti-Palestinian threats of ethnic cleansing, there is silence.

The Anti-Semites have been temporarily pulled off the streets to make it easier for Trump to push his monstrous provocation against Israel and Western bourgeois democracies as far as possible, since now this provocateur, Putin's American employee, is crafting the "Zionist genocide and its evil entity". If he succeeds and Israel does not resist, Putin will again declare the conscription of all these pseudo-leftists and pro-genocide pseudo-communists and the "Palestinian" banners of Hamas will again fill the Syntagma square in Athens and the avenues of the world against the "Zionist killer-state".

How did we get here? Thanks to the well-planned and executed cannibal massacre of October 7, the Holocaust rehearsal by Hamas. Its quality and the deep trauma they wanted to inflict on the Israeli people was reflected in the Nova music festival. All this secular Israeli youth, or at least part of them, generally supported coexistence with the Palestinians and the two-state solution. This convinced even the most democratic Israeli, male and female, that they must fight and exterminate Hamas Nazis. Their slogan "Never again is now" is characteristic of their consciousness and emotions.

That Saturday the Israeli people felt orphaned and abandoned in the state that until then had considered their refuge. Progressive Jews suddenly found themselves alone as their former pseudo-left "comrades" accused them that they were to blame for being slaughtered. The neo-tsarist pseudo-red Hundreds in Western capitals celebrated solemnly and passionately the massacre-"resistance" of Hamas, making the world intolerable for the Jews, almost a world hostile to them. And while the pseudo-communists turned vehemently against them, the right-wing extremists and racist-anti-immigrants in Europe embraced them and cared for their wounds. That was the stance of all ordinary Hitler-Putin’s peddlers: far-right Orban, far-right Le Pen, far-right Wilders were dressed up and eliminated their anti-Semitism, isolating Jews from the democratic masses. In fact, the worst of them even became fanatical opponents of anti-Semitism, as happened in France with Le Pen, where she was supported by a section of Jews led by Netanyahu's minister for overseas Jewry. Another part infiltrated democratic formations, the "New Popular Front", with Mélenchon's anti-Semites, powerful but not dominant in it. But this did not stop either the late so-called "friend of Israel" Le Pen or the pseudo-left Mélenchon from uniting to bring down Macron's bourgeois liberal democratic government.

All these pro-Putin far-right political forces worldwide, and especially in the West, have suddenly appeared in recent years to be supposedly pro-Israel with one central goal: to transform Israel into a far-right state and thus leave it exposed it to the deep strategic anti-Semitism, that appears as supposedly "left", as well as supposedly pro-Third World, that is, anti-imperialist, and pro-Muslim. Only in this way Israel itself and all its friends, i.e. the bourgeois democracies that were once colonialist, can become hated by the peoples and the countries of Third World, and thus become isolated politically, economically and in terms of energy supplies, and finally fall prey to the Russian-Chinese Axis much more easily. This is why the same Russophiles who pretend to be Israel's friends, while they are actually friends of Israel's provocative far-right that kills it politically and isolates it, in the same way as Russophile far-right, are also the sworn enemies of immigrants, especially Muslims. Their political influence makes Third World countries, especially Muslim countries, directly hate the bourgeois, especially the European, democracies, which are the main target of Russia and China.

So, this is what the provocateur new U.S. president wants: to deprave Israel and make it hateful, and also make the Northern bourgeois democracies that support Israel hateful. In this way, as well as with his anti-immigrant, racist Hitler-style rage, Trump wants to send the peoples and countries of the Third world to the Russian-Chinese axis for protection, and basically to the "left" anti-Semites, who pretend to be pro-immigrants, not by chance but in order to win over the Third world peoples, who make up the majority of the planet. They also pretend to be friends of the proletariat of the Northern bourgeois democracies vis-à-vis the bourgeoisies of these countries.

But where do the "left"-wing anti-Semites betray themselves? On one thing. Their chief enemy in the North is the bourgeois democrats and not the bourgeois fascists. In the US, they fight Biden and Harris, rather than Trump. In our country, for example, they mainly attack “New Democracy” and especially its pro-European factions and not the fascist Russian parties e.g. Velopoulos’, Natsios’, Latinopoulou’s parties.

That is why we say that the main strategic danger of the Trump administration is not that there will exist a new American Hitler’s imperialism, like a Western Russia and a Western China, and Europe will be in a vice. The main danger is that any country, any people, the proletariat may either follow the supposedly “left” path to save itself from Trump ending up in the arms of Russia - China or may become an ally with Trump and thus be dehumanized, and follow the right-wing path to end up in the arms of Russia and China.

Conclusion: Resist the "red"-brown front that has the Russian Chinese neo-Hitler’s Axis as its global center including an American narrow bourgeois monopoly gang, which is the Trump. This is not the leading force of American imperialism. It sets up wide fronts with large sections of it but only tactical fronts. Its job is to crush everything that is hostile to the Axis, both within the US and in the world at large. Under these circumstances, the main enemy globally and locally does not change. It has just gotten stronger with Trump, both in quantity and quality. But every cloud has a silver lining. And in this situation the good thing is that from now on it will be all-apparent how the global pseudo-communist and the global Nazi are strong strategic allies. This will be excellent for exposing not so much the “Golden Dawn” nazi who is and looks despicable, but the pseudo-communist who counts for the soul of the people and the proletariat and is the privileged and most modern form of the most predatory and most rotten imperialist monopoly. If this enemy is revealed as such the world proletarian Left will again become massive. Then, social-imperialism, the union of pseudo-communist and Nazi, which is Putin's Russia today, can be defeated. Only a true red banner can defeat, and it will defeat the false red banner.



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