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The role of the most modern (anti-Zionist-type) anti-Semitism in the Russian-Chinese neo-Hitlerite strategy

The following article was published on January 18, 2024 on the website of the Greek Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Organization for the Reconstruction of the KKE (OAΚKE) in the Greek Language



The role of the most modern (anti-Zionist-type) anti-Semitism in the Russian-Chinese neo-Hitlerite strategy

The most insidious ideological poison that can kill the left is fascist anti-capitalism, which in its most comprehensible and popular form is modern anti-Semitism. This one presents the campaign of the Nazi-type imperialists for world domination as a necessary defense against the conspiracies of their potential victims, be they other bourgeois and imperialists, or whole states and above all peoples in revolutionary turmoil.

Since the fascist imperialists cannot prove to the masses that all these enemies have a common plan, since their plain experience teaches that there are intense, often bloody local and international rivalries among all of them, they offer the peoples a basic explanation of how a fraudulent unity of all these opposing forces is possible: This is the conspiracy of the Jews, especially the rich Jews, to gain world domination by sowing discord. In its most modern form, this conspiracy of the rich Jews is called Zionist. Because for the anti-Semites, the rich Jews are the only rich people with presence in all the nations, when they supposedly are not part of any of these nations, and at the same time they hold strong positions of economic and political power within them. At that, especially as bankers they are owners of that capital which has the most universal characteristics. Thus the anti-Semites accuse them that because of their common racial and religious origin they are the only rich people in the world who are able both to conceive and carry out a conspiratorial plan to seize world domination at the expense of all nations and states even though the power of Jewish capital is minimal in percentage terms within every major imperialist country. That is, they accuse big Jewish capital of being the only racially organized capital among all capitals and the most organized and powerful imperialism among all imperialisms. That is to say, for them the Jewish conspiracy is a super-imperialism which, while it has no homeland of its own, wants to enslave all homelands. Having reached this conclusion, supported by ingrained prejudices in the masses through centuries of sermons by priests, persecutions by secret police, angry pogroms by fearful mobs of despotic regimes, fascist genocides and today "anti-imperialist" demonstrations by social-fascists, every state-monopoly imperialism can claim to be the one against whom this world enemy is mainly conspiring, so it has not only the right but also the obligation to call upon all nations, races, peoples and, states so vitally threatened by Zionist super-imperialism, to catch up with the conspirators and wipe them out. In this way every over-concentrated capitalism, that is, every war-type capitalism, which is the only one that can concentrate political-police, economic, and military power in the same hands, and therefore the only one capable of conspiring, and at that on a planetary scale, chooses to hide behind the imaginary conspiracy of the Jews, or in modern pseudo-Marxist language, behind the conspiracy of the Zionists. This is the shortest political way for any fascism to rally the masses to its side in a Fascist International so that he could launch in alliance with his fellow imperialist fascists his own war for world domination.


This anti-Semitic form was necessarily used by the first Hitler-type imperialism after the German one, which was Soviet social-imperialism. It was led by the Great Russian revisionists of Marxism, Suslov, Khrushchev and Brezhnev, who had manifested their anti-Semitism in a "leftist" form even before they took power in the USSR and restored capitalism. That is, instead of calling for a world attack against all Jews, which would have branded them as racists and Hitlerites among the democratic masses, they called for a world attack ostensibly only against the leaders of the rich who were the rich Jews, who were the Zionists, and whom they accused of making an imperialist, anti-communist, anti-Soviet, and colonialist state the basis of their future world war. Thus, as early as 1948 they launched a furious subversive attack against the internationalist line of the Stalinist leadership of the CPSU shortly after it recognized Israel in 1947. In order not to reveal their anti-Semitism, they initially gave it the form of a Leninist anti-Zionist critique, that is, they initiated it with all the cover and caution but developed it with the various "theorists" of the Brezhnev regime into a full-fledged anti-Semitic system in the early 1980s. Thus they claimed that unlike Hitler's Germany, they as the Soviet Union - essentially as pseudo-communist Russia - have nothing at all against Jews in general, nor especially against bourgeois Jews, but only against those bourgeois Jews who are Zionists. The Leninists had criticized Zionism as a form of bourgeois nationalism. But the anti-Semites presented Zionism as something it never was, a conspiracy for the world domination of the Zionists as rich Jews. Check out this very enlightening article (Soviet Conspiracist Antizionism in Contemporary Left-Wing Discourse).

So they accused Zionists of appearing to be victims of the Nazis, but they were supposedly Nazi collaborators themselves and that after the defeat of the Nazis they became mere agents of American imperialism and that by deceiving world public opinion and the American people, as well as the ordinary Jews themselves, they set up a state in Palestine which was not a national state of Jews who wanted in this way to defend themselves against the real danger of an extermination campaign of Hitler's type, but a base of American imperialism. That is, the anti-Semites claimed that Israel was a colonial creation in the Arab world, a state of racist supremacy and colonial exploitation of the Palestinians and finally and even more profoundly a base for the world domination of Zionism, in essence through the domination of big Jewish capital in the American imperialism itself and generally in the Western imperialism.

In order to promote these anti-Semitic views, especially concerning the nature of Israel, the Russian social-imperialists have hidden from the leftist masses of the world - and the Western liberal bourgeoisie have been complicit in this concealment because of their open anti-communism - that the hardest fight for the recognition of Israel by the UN was not given by any imperialist country but precisely by the socialist USSR under the leadership of Stalin. This was done by the USSR not only in response to the Hitler's Holocaust but also against the British colonialism that allied with the Arab feudal lords against Israel. For this, USSR also exercised pressure at the most critical moment on the US imperialists who did not want a conflict with the British-Arab alliance, and finally for this, USSR turned against the feudal leadership of the Palestinian national movement who in WWII had fought alongside Hitler as an organizer of the Muslim Waffen SS, and who then attacked Israel on the side of British imperialism and the Arab monarchies to wipe it off the map as soon as it was recognized by the UN. The "leftist" anti-Semites in particular conceal the fact that it was the Czechoslovak people’s democracy that, in agreement with the USSR, gave Israel the weapons it needed, and no one else gave, to counter the most critical to its existence 1948 pan-Arab attack. This is why, among the successive anti-Semitic, allegedly anti-Zionist, plots set up by the Khrushchev-Suslov-Brezhnev clique to rise to power in the USSR by exploiting the class struggle within the socialist camp, the bloodiest was the execution of the internationalist secretary of the Czechoslovak Communist Party, Slansky, and 10 other Jewish members of the Communist Party. It was not long before this gang proceeded soon after Stalin's death to vilify and execute Beria, the most far-sighted and determined enemy of Great Russian chauvinism and anti-Semitism within the leadership of the CPSU.

One of the great ideological campaigns that these Hitler-style fascists, thus denounced by Mao Zedong in 1968, have launched was the one to give Zionism a completely shamelessly anti-Semitic content, thus distorting the Leninist critique of Zionism. Zionism, i.e. the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, was for the Leninists a futile bourgeois form of the attempt of the Jewish masses to resolve the question of the anti-Semitic, especially the tsarist, pogroms. But along the way Zionism has also expressed different currents, among them progressive and even left-wing pro-Bolshevik currents, and at the same time, other far-right and fascist ones (such as the revisionist Zionism of Zabotinsky and his successors, the worst of which so far in power being Netanyahu). Indeed, it is the latter that the successors of the "leftist" anti-Semites, the more classic fascists Yeltsin and especially Putin, have reinforced in every way when they were relieved of the obligation to appear to be leftists after 1990. Thus they provided international public opinion with the kind of Jewish oppressive anti-Palestinian power that their anti-Semitism needed, i.e. they aided fascist Zionism to rise and consolidate its power in Israel in two ways: firstly, by directly providing Israel with a million Soviet Jews enslaved to a far-right anti-Palestinian line and directly reinforcing Netanyahu's aggression both through Putin himself and through the Trump presidency; and secondly, by giving outright support to the neo-Nazi genocidal Hamas gang, using its anti-Semitic violence to eliminate any pro-Palestinian current in Israel and any attempt at coexistence between the two nations and states.

 In fact, it is Russia that has supported the whole propaganda edifice built by the two complementary fascist currents in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and for which the opposite side is demonized precisely in order to destroy both peace currents and both countries. By strengthening the two seemingly opposing fascisms, a poor Palestine is created on the one hand, enslaved by the rich Jewish and pro-Western Israel, and on the other hand this latter is really threatened by a new Holocaust, which the neo-Nazi Russo-Chinese axis justifies since this will be due to the fact that the global South will thus take revenge on behalf of the Palestinians.

Of course, things are exactly the other way round: Israel and Palestine have been formed as nations in the era of imperialism and proletarian revolution and as such, one cannot exist without the other. The only factor that can negate this necessity is an immense imperialist violence that has been unfolding and escalating for years while both nations have been developing socially and politically through fierce internal and external class struggles. For years they have each been experiencing their own historical regression but their peoples have not said their last word. Indeed, despite the current international and domestic political supremacy of the Hamas Nazis, the most shocking distance on the road to progress has been covered by the Palestinian national movement. This had to go through a long, extremely complex and ultimately very unequal internal and external struggle against its initially feudal leadership, against its Arab state manipulation interventions, against American imperialism in its ascendancy, and mainly against the agents of Russian neo-hitlerism who pushed and are pushing it into anti-Semitic terrorism to expose it to political defeats and to move it away from the goal of state independence. Thus it continued to be crushed by the generally dominant right wing of Zionism which was allied until the 1990s mainly with US imperialism and after 1990 by the Zionist far right which was allied with Yeltsin and Putin's Russia and its friend Trump.

 Since October 7, Israel has also been drawn into this terrible vortex. It faces its own risk of fascism and above all of a new Holocaust from the Russian-Chinese neo-Hitlerian Axis on the offensive. That is why its security lies not in war with the Palestinians, but in unity with them and with the Arab-Muslim world and, above all, in unity with world democratic public opinion in combination with such a political-military struggle with the Hamas Nazis that would ensure this unity. Only in this way can the protracted war with Hamas be won. For both from an essential practical point of view, and above all from a political point of view, the Hamas burrows end in the Kremlin's basements.

For a long time, but not too long, the battle with Hamas will be mainly political and ideological against modern anti-Zionist anti-Semitism and especially against the Russian-Chinese neo-Hitlerian axis, which will be defeated only by the world-wide resistance of the peoples to the unthinkable in volume and quality crimes it is preparing.