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Νέα Ανατολή αρ.φ.559 (εδώ μπορείτε να βρείτε τα φύλλα από φ.486-Μάρτης 2013-και νεώτερα)

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crisis russia

Άρθρα Αναφοράς


Εκδόσες Μεγάλη Πορεία






This is a translation of the article published on February 7, 2025 on the website of the Greek Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Organization for the Reconstruction of the KKE (OAΚKE) in the Greek Language *

The pro-Russian fascist and provocateur Trump from the first moment he was sworn in as president of the United States keeps doing only one thing. That is to dissolve any unity of bourgeois democratic countries, especially European ones, against neo-Hitlerian Russia-China Axis, to threaten them and thus to pushing them along with the countries of the Third World into the hands of the Axis. For this, he goes as far as to threaten to occupy even with economic or military violence territories affiliated to the European Union, such as the hitherto Danish Greenland, Canada and Panama, to blackmail the heroic Ukraine by demanding to sell itself out to the USA as a condition for getting their help, thus vindicating one of the arguments of Russian propaganda. Trump is trying to make the so-called rift in the Atlantic a reality. This is the most basic goal of Russian imperialism, namely to sharpen relations between the US and Europe. But Trump's most provocative move so far is that he is trying to turn the entire Muslim world, that is, two billion people, in fact every country and every people around the world against Israel and thus send everyone into the arms of the anti-Semites – "anti-Zionist" cannibals, that is, again finally to the neo-Hitlerian axis of China and Russia who guide and cultivate this most inhumane of all racist hatreds.

That is why Trump is right next to Netanyahu when he announces the ethnic cleansing of 2 million Palestinians who will be forced to go to live "humanely" in other Arab countries, mainly in Egypt and Jordan or in other countries, while Gaza will become US property.

The following article was published on January 18, 2024 on the website of the Greek Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Organization for the Reconstruction of the KKE (OAΚKE) in the Greek Language



The role of the most modern (anti-Zionist-type) anti-Semitism in the Russian-Chinese neo-Hitlerite strategy

The most insidious ideological poison that can kill the left is fascist anti-capitalism, which in its most comprehensible and popular form is modern anti-Semitism. This one presents the campaign of the Nazi-type imperialists for world domination as a necessary defense against the conspiracies of their potential victims, be they other bourgeois and imperialists, or whole states and above all peoples in revolutionary turmoil.

Since the fascist imperialists cannot prove to the masses that all these enemies have a common plan, since their plain experience teaches that there are intense, often bloody local and international rivalries among all of them, they offer the peoples a basic explanation of how a fraudulent unity of all these opposing forces is possible: This is the conspiracy of the Jews, especially the rich Jews, to gain world domination by sowing discord. In its most modern form, this conspiracy of the rich Jews is called Zionist. Because for the anti-Semites, the rich Jews are the only rich people with presence in all the nations, when they supposedly are not part of any of these nations, and at the same time they hold strong positions of economic and political power within them. At that, especially as bankers they are owners of that capital which has the most universal characteristics. Thus the anti-Semites accuse them that because of their common racial and religious origin they are the only rich people in the world who are able both to conceive and carry out a conspiratorial plan to seize world domination at the expense of all nations and states even though the power of Jewish capital is minimal in percentage terms within every major imperialist country. That is, they accuse big Jewish capital of being the only racially organized capital among all capitals and the most organized and powerful imperialism among all imperialisms. That is to say, for them the Jewish conspiracy is a super-imperialism which, while it has no homeland of its own, wants to enslave all homelands. Having reached this conclusion, supported by ingrained prejudices in the masses through centuries of sermons by priests, persecutions by secret police, angry pogroms by fearful mobs of despotic regimes, fascist genocides and today "anti-imperialist" demonstrations by social-fascists, every state-monopoly imperialism can claim to be the one against whom this world enemy is mainly conspiring, so it has not only the right but also the obligation to call upon all nations, races, peoples and, states so vitally threatened by Zionist super-imperialism, to catch up with the conspirators and wipe them out. In this way every over-concentrated capitalism, that is, every war-type capitalism, which is the only one that can concentrate political-police, economic, and military power in the same hands, and therefore the only one capable of conspiring, and at that on a planetary scale, chooses to hide behind the imaginary conspiracy of the Jews, or in modern pseudo-Marxist language, behind the conspiracy of the Zionists. This is the shortest political way for any fascism to rally the masses to its side in a Fascist International so that he could launch in alliance with his fellow imperialist fascists his own war for world domination.

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