Νέα Ανατολή αρ.φ.559 (εδώ μπορείτε να βρείτε τα φύλλα από φ.486-Μάρτης 2013-και νεώτερα)
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All the peoples and states of the world must aid Georgia to repel the invaders
From Friday, August 8 onwards, the army of neo-nazi Russia has openly invaded the Republic of Georgia, while its bombers have been
leveling down cities and military bases across the whole Georgian territory. The first direct objective of this attack is the complete annexation of South Ossetia – a Georgian autonomous region – by Russia, and its second one, the complete annexation of Abkhazia – another autonomous region within Georgia – as well. The overall strategic objective of the invasion is the total political and, finally, military subjugation of the whole Georgia to Putin’s Russia, and afterwards, not in the remote future, the political, military and energy control of the whole Caucasus.
The pretext Russia poses for the attack is the preservation of security for Russian citizens living in Ossetia and who are allegedly threatened with genocide by the Georgian government. Only a modern Goebels could distort reality to such a degree. For what is really happening right now is basically that the Russian troops and the subservient to them paramilitary units of South Ossetia are perpetrating ethnic cleansing against the Georgian population of South Ossetia. They do so because the latter is the basic stronghold against the annexation of this Georgian territory by Russia. Russia’s attack on South Ossetia has started in July and escalated in early August, with the aim of destroying every sort of Georgian political and administrative rule in South Ossetia, the 1/3 of which was till yesterday administered by Georgia. This attack started in July with attempted murders against Georgia’s leading state cadres in Ossetia and escalated from 2 to 6 and 7 of August with murders of Georgian policemen, with bloody raids by the pro-Russian and Russian heavily-armed paramilitary forces into the Georgian villages of Ossetia, with the overall destruction of the Georgian mobile phone antennas, and finally with attacks on Georgia’s military forces stationed in South Ossetia. The government of Georgia responded to those successive and escalated provocations at August 7 by sending regular military forces to South Ossetia, after having first called upon the pro-russian Ossetian side to suspend the hostilities only to be confronted with an escalation of hostilities. Russia condemned Georgia’s defending its state sovereignty as an invasion (!) of Georgia in South Ossetia, and engaged herself to prevent it by her own real, brute and illegal invasion on the Georgian soil at August 8. In fact, the escalation of Russian aggression against Georgia during the last months was planned in order to provoke Georgia and blame her for the outbreak of war.
However, one has no need to know every fact of the invasion in detail to take a stand on which side is the unjust one in this war. The unjust side is the one whose army stays on the soil of a foreign country, and at that without being threatened at all by that country. It isn’t the Georgian army that stays on Russian soil, but the Russian army that stays on the Georgian one. The theory that South Ossetia is not a Georgian territory because its people doesn’t want to, such as the theory that this people consists of Russian citizens who invited Russia for protection, theories that Russia formally or informally presents, are the same ones Hitler’s Germany presented to invade the indepentant Czechoslovakia by pretending to protect the Sudeten Germans who were oppressed by the Czechoslovak state and whose pro-hitler leaders suddenly decided that the region where they lived should be annexed by Germany. Even more audacious than their Hitleric teachers, the Russian neo-Hitlers are now annexing South Ossetia without the precondition that the population is Russian. It is only enough that the members of this special national minority, with no practical or legal international right for state independence, are owners of Russian passports. Putin’s Russia generously gave them these passports a few years ago so that she can now call them “Russian citizens” and declare that she had the obligation to protect them, which practically means to annex the territory they live on to Russia. The right of breaking away, of independence and of unification with other states deserves to nations and states within a federation, not to national minorities and to the autonomous regions of states where those minorities live together with other nationalities. Whenever in modern world an autonomous multi-national region of a sovereign national or multinational state wanted to break away from that state, the result has always been the same: ethnic cleansing in the interior of that region and annexation of its soil by another agressive state, that is expansion of that aggressive state at the expense of the other.
That’s why the democratic people of the whole world must side with small Georgia and by every way aid her to resist the Russian invaders. All states in the world ought to do the same. If the Russian invasion and Georgia’s mutilation succeed, this would be a resolute step towards the strengthening of the Russian fascist-state monopoly, that is a big step towards a new world war. Putin’s Russia is about to launch this war in alliance with the Chinese fascist-state monopolists, and the Iranian regional bullies. The domination of Russia over the whole Caucasus region is just a step towards the energy suffocation of Europe and her military encirclement. Unfortunately in this phase, the peoples of Europe cannot anticipate that their governments, or the US government, substantially resist to Russian invasion. And this happens because those governments are under the political and financial hegemony of the financial monopolists, especially the US monopolists who on the one hand have chosen to cooperate economically and become reconciled with the war axis while on the other they economically, and often politically and militarily, juxtapose the third world countries. In such a period, the resistence to Hitler is above all a matter of the democratic and anti-imperialist movements in each country.
Athens, 9-8-2008