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Νέα Ανατολή αρ.φ.559 (εδώ μπορείτε να βρείτε τα φύλλα από φ.486-Μάρτης 2013-και νεώτερα)

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crisis russia

Άρθρα Αναφοράς


Εκδόσες Μεγάλη Πορεία







Greece on the path of political irregularity so that the EU be subjugated to the Russo-Chinese axis


Down with the pseudo-dilemmas


With the evidence at our disposal so far, we may present the following appraisal of the developments that have followed the provocateur PM’s announcement that would hold a referendum.  


Everything indicates that G. Papandreou has in a different way followed the same arbitrary movement that the neo-black shirts bullies of the pseudo-CPG and SYN parties along with the classic nazis and fascists of all kinds triggered off on October 28 national anniversary. By halting the central military parade and half-destroying all the others while keeping untouched only the one in Alexandroupoli where a force of the Russian army paraded, that is their boss’s force, they all wanted to violently paralyze their hostile political factions inside the state and to establish themselves as its leaders. It is now proven that apart from this domestic objective, and at that beyond this one, the coup-attempters had an international objective, as they often do these days: They wanted to put the acceptance by Greece of the October 26 Euro-zone agreement in political question, thus offering Papandreou the pretext for putting in govenmental question the agreement he had signed with the EU some 24-hours before, after having spent endless nights with all its PMs and bankers. That is, only because the opposition unanimously praised the arbitrary October 28 as a “people’s burst of rage” and only because the latter blamed Papandreou and even president Papulias, the till yesterday respected “patriot”, for national treason in the service of Germany could a PM have an excuse so as to annul the decisions he himself had signed. Besides, it is only due to such a Papandreou’s stab in the back of the EU that all the others that could replace him in power, through elections or provisional all-party governments, and basically Antonis Samaras, could present themselves as somehow pro-Europeans, that is they could carry on keeping Greece within the Euro-zone and thus partitioning and destroying the latter.


We believe that the arbitrary in all respects today development, by practically disabling the October 26 agreement, hits a deep economic and an even deeper political strike on the EU and makes it strategically unreliable and unstable. This development will inflate the debt of the European countries, and mostly it will strengthen the political and credit dependence of the EU from China and even more from Russia, which is the diplomatic protector and guide of the latter, the factor that opens China’s way to the EU of course for her own strategic advantage. We think that this irregular development in Greece was carefully planned by Russia and her inter-party underlings since the EU hadn’t, even before October 26, accepted the political blackmail of China, and thus indirectly of Russia, so that the first could finance the Euro-zone and especially the EFSF.


Before that time, G Papandreou managed, through his policy of undermining industrial manufacture in the country that strengthened the Greek debt and the European debt crisis, to enlarge the EFSF from an amount of 440 billion Euros to aproximately 1000 billion Euros so that the latter be able to save Italy, which has too high an interest rate as a result of the credit desease (6%), if necessary, but also save the banks that would go bankrupt through a hair-cut of 50%. During the negotiations between Merkel and Sarkozy, China had told them that she was willing to put a lot of money in the EFSF so as to urge them inflate it. Sarkozy needed that because the French state could not easily cover the over-exposure of the French banks to the hair-cut of the Greek bonds without borrowing money from abroad, that is without losing the elections. However, Germany, with large exchange reserves, a stronger economy and smaller exposure to the Greek bonds, resisted. However, so long as Greece committed suicide and the borrowing interest rates kept rising in Italy due to panic, the dangers for Euro, and thus for Germany, became rapidly stronger. Besides, the SPD led by pro-Russian Steinmeyer pushed Merkel to accept the strengthening of EFSF. She at last subdued because if she got the money from the German taxpayers she would be defeated at the ongoing elections. When the Merkel-Sarkozy agreement on this point had been concluded, the October 26 top-agreement of the EZ was signed. But when the agreement was concluded, China, which had initially posed some limited political terms, (basically to be considered as a state of free market and not be condemned before the WTO, the World Trade Organization) began posing other stricter terms through leaks, such as the lift of the ban on arms imports from the EU due to her eagerness to invade Taiwan. As soon as China started with those blackmails, a stormy resistance to China took place in Germany and other countries, especially by the Socialist party of France. Many reliable union cadres such as Delore said that Europe is capable of and must solve her debt problem by itself. After thoses reactions, even Sarkozy, who has become totally slimy with Russia and China that give some neo-colonial gifts to the French monopoly (purchase of French helicopter carriers by Russia, the granting of a great part of political power in Cote d’ Ivoire by Russia-China, a strong position in Libya as the exchange for Gaddafi’s extermination, purchase of planes, nuclear plants and TGVs by China), was compelled to declare that the EZ would not subdue to the political terms of China so that he might borrow from her.


So here comes Papandreou’s strike at the EZ by this referendum, that is not only catastrophic but also meaningless for there is no final agreement and consequently the question of the referendum could not be posed. Here also comes Samaras’ calling for direct elections, which may contain some danger of uncontrolled bankruptcy. Right afterwards, as a third solution comes the “synthesis” proposal by the powerful within PASOK, since the time she has supported the Russian direction for Greece, Vaso Papandreou, who called for a provisional all-party government that would accept the general October 26 agreement and then would hold elections. This seems to be the best solution for Russia because it keeps Greece within the Euro-zone, and therefore within the oncoming negotiations for the salvation of the EU rather than of Greece alone.        


Whatever of these may happen, all of these say that Greece virtually and unanimously defies the vague October 26 agreement, so the EU and especially Sarkozy-Merkel are politically dished and inevitably, the whole EU and the whole Euro-zone gets into deep political crisis. By this crisis, the overall economic crisis aggravates, and thus the external “rescuers”-arsonists strengthen their negotiating position against the EFSF, and the EZ becomes more and more ready to give in to their political blackmail.


We also don’t consider accidental the fact that Papandreou’s coup has triggered this big crisis just a couple of days before the meeting of the G20. In that meeting, the EU will be a ghost of itself and the politically discredited Sarkozy and Merkel – who acted during all this period like a ward and opportunist town councillor, while representing the decayed Western monopolistic capital – will find themselves in the accomodating arms of the new Hitler Putin and Jintao, (but also to a degree of Putin’s friend Obama), that will rush to “save” them under the most humiliating for our continent conditions. 


One may deduce from the above that nothing good is to be expected from those developments, but only fraud, blackmail and fascism. Elections or not elections, all-party governments or not, referendums or not referendums, all those are dirty manoeuvres. Papandreou-type provocateurs of austerity and lie, or pseudo-revolutionaries provocateurs, these are the two aspects of the same process, which is a permanent coup by the Russian superpower for global use.


Generally speaking, the political regime hasn’t set for us here real political dilemmas because we have a covered one-party dictatorship, that is the Russian party’s, that has simply 5-6 heads. The political struggle in our country isn’t set between the parties but inside each individual party, where the pro-Russians don’t of course prevail. At this moment, either with or without elections, either with or without a referendum, the multi-face inter-party scoundrels are able to lead developments in general in accord with their interests. The question is whether a strong people’s current be formed, reveal and effectively fight all this degradation and prompt the people to rely upon itself. With the line of the democratic and anti-Russian patriotic front we want one thing: a strong OAKKE, a catalyst of the developments, a truth with a loud voice. All the other are nothing more than pseudo-dilemmas or dilemmas of totally secondary importance.