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Νέα Ανατολή αρ.φ.559 (εδώ μπορείτε να βρείτε τα φύλλα από φ.486-Μάρτης 2013-και νεώτερα)

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crisis russia

Άρθρα Αναφοράς


Εκδόσες Μεγάλη Πορεία






HITLER-PUTIN HANDS OFF UKRAINE - The game is up. The new tsars are preparing for a world war. Peoples of Europe and the whole world unite

Photo from the protest gathering of OAKKE outside the Russian embassy in Athens against Russian invasion anr the annexation of Crimea  in 2014 Photo from the protest gathering of OAKKE outside the Russian embassy in Athens against Russian invasion anr the annexation of Crimea in 2014

We cannot know how much of its iron-fenced body the Kremlin snake will unfold this time on the territory of Ukraine. It is likely to be as little as it takes to break up its prospective victims, the peoples and countries of Europe, and so much as to terrorize them in conjunction with the energy hostage-taking to which it has subjected them.

This time, however, words are far more disturbing than deeds. It was in a Hitler-style address that Putin heralded a war of extermination against the Ukrainian nation of 45 million people before annexing a piece of it for the second time in eight years, without having previously received the slightest threat from it.


Russia says she is supposedly surrounded by America, so this is a necessary defensive move. In fact, Russia has all her borders secure. She has never been threatened by anyone at all, at least since the Gorbachev era to the present day. Russia simply let the other countries of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact escape from the prison that this huge space had become, only to reassure the West and eventually penetrate into it, to make Europe dependent on energy, to disarm and eventually to surprise her. Now Russia is only bordering with NATO countries across an area of no more than a few kilometers in the Baltic and only 1000 American soldiers are stationed there. It is not that NATO is supposedly advancing towards Russia and threatening it, and thus, forcing it to defend herself by attacking her neighbors. It is quite the opposite: expansionist Russia threatens her neighbors, which is why they are forced to resort to NATO in search of protection from the other superpower. In fact, NATO often denies them this cover, as happened in 2008 in Georgia, when Russia, in order to punish her for her pro-Western dispositions, partitioned her and annexed pieces of it!

Putin says the West supposedly humiliated Russia and so she is now taking her revenge. In fact, it is not the Westerners who have thrown the Russian people into hunger and misery, but the Russian bourgeoisie themselves, including Putin himself, who were getting rich by looting their people.

That these are all pretexts is evidenced by the inconceivable brutality with which Putin questioned not only the independent statehood of Ukraine, but the very existence of the Ukrainian nation. This is how only Hitlers speak when they want to prepare for the utmost violence against millions of people.

The Russian-Chinese neo-Hitlerite axis will not stop in Ukraine. Their true goal is to occupy the rich Western Europe that they encircle from the Balkans, from the Middle East and North Africa. The more they get what they want, the more hungry they become. Western capitalists have so far proven that they prefer to retreat in exchange for some temporary calm. This is what they did on the eve of the Second World War.

Thus, Europe is now surrounded by fascism, and humanity is heading towards a new World War. In it the two great fascist regimes of Russia and China will make their bloody raid to conquer the planet following the war strategy of Hitler's Germany and Imperial Japan. Their enemy is not so much the economically more powerful American imperialism, which is burdened with its own attacks on the people before its hegemony began to decline in recent years, but the peoples of the whole world, their national independence and their democratic achievements, their civilized life. That is why this raid is not intended to simply replace one ruler with another, but to impose the bloodiest Nazi terrorist dictatorship, such as the one that recently experienced the martyred Syria and previously the even more martyred Chechnya.

Every democrat, every patriot, every civilized person must once again stand up to the new Hitlerite cannibals and their agents, in a long and persistent struggle, which, as with the crushing of the old Nazism in 1945, will bring the prize of a freer, a more peaceful, creative and prosperous life for the peoples of the whole world and the Greek among them.

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