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MOSCOW: Once again Putin slaughters his own people to obtain the right to commit genocide against another people

The following article was published on January 18, 2024 on the website of the Greek Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Organization for the Reconstruction of the KKE (OAΚKE) in the Greek Language



MOSCOW: Once again Putin slaughters his own people to obtain the right to commit genocide against another people

The Kremlin is using the terrorist attack in Moscow to escalate its attack in Ukraine and throughout Europe, pointing to the former as responsible for bloodshed and the murder of civilians. The best guide to the big question of who has finally ordered a mass massacre of civilians which, with today's technical means, is taking place in front of the eyes of all humanity and for that is the most politically repulsive thing in human history, is not forensic analysis but politics. That is, the question that must be posed is who has a political interest in delivering such a blow, who has the police capacity to deliver it with political impunity and who has proven in the past that he has no moral restraint in delivering such mass blows against civilians. The only global actor that brings all these characteristics together is the Russian Putin’s state and no one else. It is the one that orchestrated two provocative massacres of its own Russian citizens, in order to justify the razing of the Chechen capital Grozny, the mass massacre of its inhabitants and then the enslavement of heroic Chechnya and its neighboring democratic Dagestan. The first one was the blowing up of four Moscow apartment blocks in 1999, with 300 dead and 1000 wounded, denounced as organized by the FSB by two heroic Russian democrats: Litvinenko and Politkovskaya who paid for it with their lives; the second was the massacre of hundreds of spectators in the Moscow theatre in 2002, organized by Islamo-fascist renegades of Aslan Maskhadov’s democratic and patriotic leadership of the Chechen national liberation struggle who succeeded in this way to expose and isolate it internationally.

On the contrary, Ukraine, which Putin blames for this massacre, has none of these provocative characteristics, especially the first one. Indeed, it would be completely absurd, completely suicidal, for a state that is under the occupying and murderous boot of precisely this Putinist Russia and needs above all the world's sympathy to resist Russia to suddenly decide to cause a massacre of Russian civilians outside any military objective in order to irreparably expose itself. Besides, only Ukraine had no reason to give any foothold to the murderous occupying state and any pretext to its ruthless leadership to seek revenge and bleed 100 and 1000 times over its own downtrodden people.

We also know from the experience of the many targeted massacres of civilians in many countries (mainly Western countries) in front of the eyes of all peoples in the last decades that only forces that had no problem becoming hated and causing massive retaliation dared to do them. Such reprisals as those against Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Hamas ultimately favored Russian diplomacy. It’s only in the case of the third of these reprisals, Israel's retaliation, that Hamas itself was favored as it was led mainly by Netanyahu's fascists.

And now, well, this massacre is designed to favor Russian diplomacy, although less so than the previous ones, because Western governments and especially the peoples have begun to learn what Russian KGB provocations and shameless propaganda lies mean.

So, the mass massacre of Russian civilians in Moscow comes only a few hours after the Kremlin's announcement of enormous political significance that the "special military operation" (as it called the brutal invasion of Ukraine until yesterday) has now become a war, and not just a war against Ukraine but against all the democratic countries of the world that support it in its national liberation, anti-occupation struggle. Specifically, Peskov stated: "We are in a state of war. Yes, it started as a special military operation, but as soon as this group was formed, when the whole West joined in on the Ukrainian side, it turned into a war for us”.

So, simultaneously with the above official verbal declaration of war not only against Ukraine but against the whole democratic Europe, we also have this massacre that has the appropriate scope to justify this declaration by presenting the war of aggression as a necessary so-called defensive war to defend the Russian people from cannibals and sadistic Hitlerites. For up to now, not even the world pseudo-communists were convinced that Russia invaded Ukraine to confront NATO in which Ukraine was not a member, and which had never invaded Ukraine either. Lately, at that, no one was convinced by the Russian propaganda. Because in order to lure the Russian people into continuing to send their children to the front, it was assuring them more and more openly, and this was what was being said all over the world, that Russia had invaded Ukraine because it had always been Russian. In other words, more and more Russia was being forced to say that it was worth Russian people dying for what was supposedly their own ancestral territory, namely Ukraine. In fact, it had even set in motion a nightmarish machine of dehumanization in the occupied Ukrainian territories to force the Ukrainian population to speak Russian by means of terrorism, while kidnapping thousands of young children and taking them to Russia to grow up as janissaries. Well, now with the massacre in the very center of the capital of Russia, the KGB (FSB) are trying to prove that the Ukrainians want to brutally and sadistically slaughter Russian citizens who were attending a concert of a Russian patriotic music band for no reason, out of pure Hitler’s like rage and hatred of Russian culture.

Therefore, the patriotic arch-KGB agent who leads this people has not only the right but also the obligation to protect them. And to protect them he must lead them to fight their Ukrainian enemies and, if necessary, to fight the Western imperialists who are helping these enemies on their own soil, so that Moscow could remain safe. This means world war.

That the role of this massacre is global is also confirmed by the fact that ISIS is involved in this massacre, at least for the time being, at least at the level of a declaration. And of course, as we have said above and as we have proved in our other articles of political analysis, ISIS only massacres en masse by acting as a strategic tool of Russian diplomacy. Proof of this is that the main function of its most massive and gruesome massacres carried out mainly against the peoples of Europe in the last fifteen years was to unite Europe and NATO with Russia and its allies i.e. the Assad regime and the Iranian mullahs. In other words, instead of the EU and the USA helping the heroic democratic revolution in Syria against the Assad regime, Putin's Russia and the Iranian mullahs who invaded Syria and massacred this revolution, they joined the Assad regime, Iran, Putin's Russia and the pro-Iranian Shiites of Iraq to fight ISIS. Thus they saved Assad, gave Syria to Russia and made Iran the ruler of Iraq. That's the only way they defeated ISIS. But they didn't crush it. This one survived precisely thanks to Russia's protection, which was indirectly demonstrated when the latter, thanks to ISIS' metamorphoses in Africa, drove France and USA out of the central Sahel countries of Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali and installed there friendly to itself dictatorships, which means that Russia politically occupied the very strategic heart of Africa.

After this long term and extremely fruitful use of the ISIS cannibals by Russian diplomacy, we have every reason to believe that it is the same one that has involved them in its latest provocative massacre. We are not, however, at present in a position to understand what role they have been assigned to play in this diplomatic-propaganda game, i.e. whether there is any specific way in which the Russian propaganda machine will politically link ISIS to the Ukrainian resistance. From a police operational point of view, however, the FSB seeks to achieve this connection, as the well-known anti-Putin journalistic group Meduza in Latvia has revealed, by attempting to plant former ISIS members within the Ukrainian resistance in battalions of pro-Ukrainian Chechens or Tatars so that FSB could accuse Kiev of allying with ISIS at an opportune time.

For the moment, as far as the political connection that the Kremlin may attempt to make is concerned, all we can do is to make some working hypotheses based on correlations of known facts. The most typical facts are, firstly, that before being responsible for the massacre of about 150 civilians in Russia, ISIS had also taken responsibility in January for the massacre of about 100 civilians in Iran on the anniversary of Soleimani’s death in Tehran and, secondly, that before both massacres the US had warned both governments that ISIS would strike their mass gatherings. Although both governments are to blame for not taking effective measures to protect the crowds that would have participated in planned mass gatherings while they had such warnings, these events have the capacity to further unite the two allied countries, Iran and Russia, both against a common apparent enemy, which is ISIS, and, more importantly, against their true common enemy, which is the US. Indeed, both countries have openly or covertly accused ISIS of being an instrument of the US at heart, while it is even easier for them to now accuse the US of knowing both times that ISIS would strike precisely because US are supposedly leading it, despite its almost religious anti-Americanism. So, they can accuse the US either of making ISIS swing against Russia, that is objectively swing in favor of Ukraine, or of trying to cover for Ukraine by having ISIS lie that it did the massacre in Moscow while it was supposedly Ukraine itself that did it. The same could be also said of the Tehran massacre. That is, the ISIS-perpetrated massacre against Shiite Iran was supposedly ordered by the US in favor of the friendly to the latter Gulf Sunni monarchies and Israel in the South.

Such a propaganda layout has the advantageous property for Russia of linking the world war it has started against Europe from the North (in the name of resistance to pro-NATO Ukraine) with the war it has started against Europe from the South through Iran and the Houthis in the name of the latter’s resistance to "American-Zionist" Israel. That is to say, it is possible that by linking the abominable ISIS with the oldest, most famous, and therefore most hated by the people superpower that is the USA, Russia could blame its own main enemy, which is Ukraine, for the massacre of its own civilian population, and Iran’s own enemy, which is Israel, for the massacre of the civilian population of that country. It is to Iran, therefore, that Putin's call in his speech after the massacre referred when he said, among other things, that "we are counting on the cooperation of all states that sincerely share our pain and are ready to truly join forces in the fight against a common enemy - international terrorism - in all its manifestations" and it was not, unlike what some Westerners believed, a new call for a new anti-terrorist front, i.e. a new false hand of friendship to the West with which he had surrounded it before attacking it.

How exactly Russia will handle these strategic provocations is something we will find out later. One thing is for certain: that humanity, especially Europe, must get prepared for now, and feverishly at that, to fight a Hitler-type imperialism that has been preparing for 3/4 of a century to attack it and which is so ruthless that it could itself kill en masse, like flies, a few thousand of civilian inhabitants of its metropolis just to fanatically incite the rest to attack other peoples that Russian imperialism wants to enslave. This way after all, from massacre to massacre of his co-nationals, from provocation to provocation, the new Hitler entered Europe after having leveled Chechnya, dismembered Georgia and stained Syria with blood. We do not have enough time to avoid this war. But we can defeat this new-Hitlerite Axis and prevent Europe from being subjugated to it and to its fascist and social- fascist allies all over the world.