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crisis russia

Άρθρα Αναφοράς


Εκδόσες Μεγάλη Πορεία







Jo Cox: The first victim of the fascist leadership of Brexit and a supporter of the Bosnian people against the Serb Nazis Jo Cox: The first victim of the fascist leadership of Brexit and a supporter of the Bosnian people against the Serb Nazis

The vote in favor of Brexit was a major victory of the world camp of war, fascism, and poverty for the peoples of Europe, a victory achieved essentially through Goebbels-type lies. The neo-hitlerite Russo-Chinese axis will undoubtedly soon try to exploit it so as to widen the deep rifts inside the bourgeois-democratic European Union. This rift is already opened up by its friends, which are, first, the worst chauvinists, second, the worst anti-labour renegades of marxism, and, third, the most typical colonial imperialists.

But whenever a bad thing appears, a good thing is also appearing in order to resist it. The progressive people in the whole Europe and the whole world could now realize, more than ever before, how much precious is for the countries that comprise the European Union, the capability to effectively exercise their exit rights, so that the dirty theories of “German occupation” or “almighty Brussels’ bureaucracy” will collapse once and for all and this union of countries will prove to be voluntary, that is democratic, a union, even for capitalist countries, that the Marxist classics had always emphatically considered to be a very positive evolution.
Now the democratic peoples of Europe could mainly view the appalling form that the world “red”-brown camp of European disintegration, of real occupation and territorial division of independent countries (Russia in Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova), and of pirate occupation of international and national territorial waters (China in South Chinese sea), will take; now they could view the unprecedented economic catastrophe, unemployment and poverty, as well as the rebirth of fascism that this departure will bring about in Britain and the whole Europe.

This kind of realisation will take time, will be painful and, what’s more, difficult to grasp at once by the large masses. Its great difficulty lay in that the most dangerous enemies of the European Union aren’t so much its open splitters but mainly the false supporters of its unity, who under the baton of the new tsars’ diplomacy – always unique in infiltrating governments and parties – act provocatively by actually strengthening the anti-Europeanism within the masses. They specialize in staying inside the EU and exploiting its national and inter-imperialist contradictions, and mostly the general hunger of its bourgeoisie for cheaper labor force, so as to build a so-called humanitarian, a so-called pro-labor, and so-called internationalist pseudo-Europeanism being characterized as such by the following organized dead ends it provokes:

a) It abolishes the external borders for refugees and migrants before any objective and subjective political condition for this move is fulfilled, so as to turn the poverty stricken workers of the European countries against the refugees and migrants and thus strengthen xenophobia and the racists, who as fascists are always anti-Europe, in each country of the EU (tactics followed by Tsipras, Merkel, Juncker).

b) It decreases the overall labor salaries (which include the labor rights and mostly the healthcare), especially in the poorer countries, by saying that higher salaries could only be possible if the rich countries of the EU had a “solidarity-based” attitude, that is if they paid for the consumption of the workers of the weaker countries of the EU, with loans or even free of charge. It is absurd to support that a nostrum may cure the double problem resulting from a global capitalistic crisis which is combined with the historic dissolution of the genuine labor parties and movements in both the East and West. In this way a so called “left-wing” anti-Europeanism in the South who is turning against the so-called special cruelty of the North and a “right-wing” anti-Europeanism in the North who is turning against a so-called special parasitism of the South (tactics followed by Tsipras, Renzi, Juncker) are being simultaneously formed. Some leftwing fraudsters also require an economic federalization while the minimum conditions for political federalization, which the open Russophiles always und ermine by voting against every effort to achieve a deeper European Constitution, are lacking beforehand.

c) With a certain “internationalist” passion it requires the peaceful resolution of all war conflicts, always interpreting it as consultations, actually as concessions of the EU to all sort of aggression by the neo-Hitler’s axis all over the world, especially after the division and semi-occupation of the European Ukraine, by which this axis has already taken the first step, the “Czechoslovak” step towards a Third World War (tactics followed by Tsipras, Renzi, Juncker, Steinmeier, Mogherini).

The champion of such a devious anti-Europeanism in all its three basic manifestations is Tsipras’ government, generously supported by the whole leadership of the Greek opposition, both the openly anti- and the “pro-European” ones, in all his big provocations against the EU and the EZ. Through these provocations of hers, especially through the provocation of the refugee crisis (see articles and posters of OAKKE: http://www.oakke.gr/english-articles/item/641-billposter-by-oakke-11-03-2016-%CF%84he-tsipras-all-parties%E2%80%99-regime-assasins-of-refugees-and-splitters-of-europe-for-the-sake-of-putin ), the official Greece has played a very strong role in boosting Brexit.

Europe could learn its greatest lesson from Brexit only after having realized that an even worse thing than Brexit would be a durable and unconditional G-remain, that is a continuing staying of Greece in the EU and the EZ under the conditions set for this staying by the Greek inter-party top political regime. These conditions are: the systematical sabotage of the Greek productive machine on all levels, the heaping of guilt on the EZ for it and for the hunger of the Greek people that arises from this sabotage, the creation through this sabotage of a permanent bigger and bigger new debt for always pulling more money from and thus dividing the EU, (requirement for new loans and new debt reliefs), and of course new “unwanted” openings of the Greek sea borders for a new strengthening of fascisms in the EU, and anything else the Greek provocateurs and their Putin bosses may think up in order to ensure the quickest death of the EU caused by the Greek incurable cancer within it.

So the first and foremost internationalist task of the Greek people is to defeat the provocative russophile policy of the Greek inter-party top political regime, to crush its centre, which is the social-fascist government of Tsipras, and clarify that so long as this regime wants the country within the EU with the purpose of killing the EU, then all the peoples of Europe must stand up against it and against such a participation.
The peoples of Europe should generally focus their attention on all pseudo-Europeanists who hit Europe from the inside. The recent news coming from the British pro-Brexit leaders already herald a bright future for them. They have suddenly, from the mouth of Johnson and Farage respectively, either ceased to demand the immediate exit of Britain from the EU and praise the provocateur Cameron who prepared Brexit through the EU-set “exceptions for Britain”, or denied their pre-referendum promises on good healthcare for the people. It seems that they follow the most dissolving and catastrophic for the EU tactic, which is the neither-inside-nor-outside-it policy, meaning endless negotiations while everything is floating in the air within the EU, so that the latter become more and more unable to cure its wounds and make its way, and also Britain become unable to cure hers. This is the ideal situation for the Russian diplomacy, a situation summed up in the general strategic principle of Soviet (then Russian) social-imperialism on every conflict that doesn’t directly affect it: “neither peace, nor war”; In this case: “neither exit, nor remain”. We suppose that the pseudo-Europeanists of Bremain, starting with the two-faced Camerons, Junckers, Merkels, Renzis, Hollandes, Steinmeiers, Mogherinis etc., will soon catch the ball thrown by the pro-Brexit leaders and lead the EU into an endless paralytic dizziness by playing sometime the tough and sometime the soft guy towards the United Kingdom. They will thus try to sharpen the contradictions within the pro-Europeanists of the EU and of Britain, too, as well as to further aggravate the British-EU relations.

In this point, the governments and the peoples will be tested as never before in the European history, because as we’ve already mentioned these developments are linked with the preparation by the splitters of Europe of a new world war, which unless prevented by the peoples of the latter will necessarily be the most catastrophic the world has ever seen. Out of the efforts to prevent this war, however, new ideas, new vanguards, new democratic parties, and above all the once betrayed new revolutionary proletarian parties will arise and develop. The peoples are not willing to let the Western monopolistic bourgeoisie, plunged into its stoke market games and politically narrow-sighted as it is, to manage for long their own existence against the Eastern neo-cannibalistic imperialists (Chinese-Russians) and at that to go so far as to cooperate with them for quick profits. So, sooner or later the peoples will necessarily come to the fore in the new unavoidably to be formed in the future anti-fascist fronts.

In these fronts the fascists and social-fascists of any Brexit will find their true opponents.
So under this rationale, a phrase by Mao Zedong that responds to the temporary but also awakening for the peoples victories of the reactionaries is more than ever timely: “Great disorder, excellent situation”.

Friday, June 24, 2016

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