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crisis russia

Άρθρα Αναφοράς


Εκδόσες Μεγάλη Πορεία






Com. Ilias Zafiropoulos’ speech at the rally of OAKKE outside the Russian Embassy on 26/2/2022, two days after Russian invasion of Ukraine

<<We are living through the greatest moments of mankind since World War II.

A new fascist force, a huge neo-Nazi front led by Putin's Russia and with the participation of Xi's China, is getting ready to attack the world, and rob, oppress and crush the peoples.

This attack on Ukraine is not just an imperialist intervention. It surpasses all thοse [interventions] we’ve experienced between the two wars, the one we left behind and the one that’s on the way. American imperialism has intervened, it has trampled underfoot, it has taken down governments, it has tortured, it is a superpower, with weapons and money, but it has not dared to do until today what Putin's Russia is doing. The latter has decided that on the ground of this particular country called Ukraine lives the wrong people who should be Russian, but they think they are Ukrainian, and so they must change their souls, and if they do not change then Putin must exterminate the Ukrainian people.

This is Putin's program, a racist program, a colonial program, a program of extermination because that is his mentality. While claiming that he was surrounded by USA, he attacked the only country that did not yet have USA, that did not have NATO [within it]. Putin invoked this in order to make an attack aiming to change the national consciousness, the national identity, of a great people, a people whose independence and self-determination have been recognized by all the democrats of Russia, and it was especially the proletariat, the revolutionaries and Leninism that were in the vanguard of having this independence recognized. And now they come to trample upon them. That is why we are not talking about a merely imperialist attack, but about the first Nazi-style attack since World War II [perpetrated] by Russia.

For us [this is] the first act of World War ΙΙΙ, even if Putin would maneuver, even if he would change his tactics in front of the enormous resistance he has met from the Ukrainian people and which he did not necessarily expect.

He thought he was going to have a walk, but he is facing an unprecedented passion. Because peoples, who have lived through democracy, do not accept to get back into the bottle of feudalism and colonialism. That is why these people are fighting so hard, and that is why they are right now at the forefront of the anti-fascist struggle for the whole Europe and for the whole world. To all of us who are Europeans defending Ukrainians, it means not just defending democracy, not just defending the independence of a country, but defending our home. Since they’ve entered there with such unspeakable audacity, it will not be long before we see them in the capitals of Europe.

They didn't get started to stop. Because they know the feeling of revulsion they produce. That's why the flag they raise is the flag of terrorism. That’s why only yesterday they threatened the democratic and neutral, at least the most peaceful forces in Europe, Sweden and Finland. Because they dared to say, "Putin, we are afraid of you and we will resort to the other superpower, at least to have a rudimentary defense right now."

It is Putin who is forcing the people to defend themselves under the umbrella of the USA. It's not that he was surrounded [by them]. On the contrary, this happens because he wants to devour everything that is around him. And the more he devours, the more he whets his appetite and will continue to do so. In reality, this is not just a question of a dictator or a bad guy. Putin is simply the most repulsive face of Russian social imperialism. He is the representative of a class, an oligarchy of the greatest thieves that the world has ever given birth to, certainly the greatest bandits of capitalism, and certainly the greatest of the bandits of imperialism.

Why? Because this gang, which is now attacking, became rich by stealing the peoples of the Soviet Union in two phases. In the first phase a bureaucracy grabbed all the wealth of the working class and the peoples of the former Soviet Union, not only of Ukraine, but also of Russia and Kazakhstan and Belarus and all these former Soviet republics. And as soon as they grabbed them, they appeared like communism, raised red flags, and formed a bureaucracy that was fattened by the blood and the stolen goods of the Soviet people. In a second phase this gang, the worst of the [previous "Soviet"] bureaucrats robbed the whole wealth of all the Soviet Republics. The wealth of all the other bureaucracies was stolen by their leaders and was collected by Moscow, collected by the Gorbachev’s gang, and then Yeltsin’s, and now Putin’s. [They], the most ruthless [agents] of the KGB gathered the nukes from Ukraine, gathered the space station, gathered the diplomatic representation of all these countries instead of sharing it in the Security Council, they made it their own under the applause of American imperialism and of the European ones, the English, the French. This was the monster they created.

This Russia did not "back down" so that NATO got in. It's a lie. [This Russia] stole all the other countries, and first and foremost, it stole the nukes of Ukraine to which it promised independence and now threatens the whole planet with the stolen ones. This terrifying, ruthless oligarchy of the Kremlin, seeing how easily one can swallow the wealth of countries, now wants to swallow the wealth of Ukraine and then the wealth of the whole of Europe.

And his [Putin’s] friend, Xi, gets ready to do exactly the same job in China. Through the communist party, through the proletariat, through the poor people of China, set off this monster Deng Xiaoping followed by the others, Zhao Jiyang and Jiang Zemin and so on and now Xi, and they have decided to devour Asia with the stolen wealth of the Chinese people.

The one, [Putin], will devour Europe and the other will eat Japan, Australia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. The two great bandits will make a big deal.

So this oligarchy is now joining forces to strike, and that is why it’s so ruthless. When they shout and say down with American imperialism, they are simply incriminating all those who are trying to resist [them], to arm themselves in any way.

No left-winger could say today, when Ukraine is stabbed: "Down with Russia-Down with USA", "Down with this war".

No, it is not one war, there are two: it is the unjust war that the Russian Nazis are waging and the just war that the heroic Ukrainian people are waging.

Left-wing and progressive people have always sorted out these things.

It is not Russia's war with America, as all those who want to mislead the peoples and the Greek people among them say.

It is Russia's war against the half-unarmed Ukraine. Don't confuse them.

It is the obligation of every country that defends democracy, even in words, to give them both weapons and political support, and take measures to isolate the monsters who, in a peaceful moment, came in to disrupt the lives of millions of people and give them a nightmare.

It's a nightmare for all of us.

All the peoples of Europe should have very high fever today.

And it’s a very excellent thing and we very much appreciate the fact that the Greek people, who have consumed so much pro-Russian propaganda from both the national fascists and the pseudo-communists for so many decades, watching on television millions of people waking up in their homes in the middle of the night and running to the shelters, were moved and said: "Something’s wrong with this Putin."

That's how we have to look at our own people too. All peoples have illusions, all peoples have weak points, but there are moments when they do not stand injustice, they cannot stand brutality. Then a humane quality wakes up in everyone, democracy wakes up, freedom awakens. So our people and all the peoples of Europe must build a wall, become one man and build a new anti-fascist democratic front in all countries. And put themselves against Putin, his friend Xi, the fascist mullahs of Tehran, and stand with any democracy, whichever democrat, any people are determined to defend freedom and democracy. It's the same again. Of course everyone sees freedom and democracy differently, one may step up and die, another may stand off on the side, the issue is not to change the camp and go with fascism, not to go with the Nazis and the neo-Nazis.

By the way let us say something [about the narrative] that the war is taking place, supposedly, "for the de-Nazification of Ukraine". If you ask any fascist, and any Nazi in the world, which one of all the politicians in the world he loved the most, he would tell you he loved Putin. They do not know any president of Ukraine. They know the president of Russia, because he’s been cultivating relationships with the Nazis everywhere. It was Dmitry Rogozin, in charge of Russia's space stations, the one who invited all the Nazis of the world and hosted them to St. Petersburg. In 2014 they [the Putin’s gang] took advantage of the fact that fascist elements entered the Ukrainian resistance and began to conceive the fairy tale that Nazism wants to re-invade Russia. They exploit this fairy tale today to say that they are chasing the Nazis. Chasing the Nazis means for Putin himself to open up with the key and enter the Moscow prisons on his own, along with the whole gang that applauds him. But [Putin] you don't have to get in. The Russian people themselves will ram you in when they are overcome with indignation by Ukraine’s invasion and others to follow in front of their eyes, when their killed children will be brought back to them [in coffins].

For the peoples will not succumb. Putin will be shamefully defeated. And then his punishment will come. It is very comforting that the Russian democrats took to the streets in a heroic way in defense of right within the lion’s den. This should inspire every democrat. When these fascists are defeated, when Putin, Xi, and Raisi of Iran are defeated, because all of them are preparing for an orgy of massacres and robbery, then the peoples could not stand even the [other] imperialists, the Americans, the English, the French, the Germans and whoever wanted in the course of history to colonize countries and torture peoples.

Everyone will be tested in this war that has just begun. The peoples will record in their accounts who helped and who did not.

We call on all democrats, but also on all toiling people, the workers in particular.

Especially in this country [Greece] that has been suffering enormously, where the Russophiles for years now have been destroying its industry in a deceitful and insidious way, often by carrying left-wing flags side by side with the worst part of the classical right, and the worst part of PASOK [party], they have impoverished it and as a result our children emigrate to find a wage. Their lives are hopeless because there is not much of industry and modern research left so that at least there were wages. Our youth are brutally exploited in the small shops for a zero wage, for an exhausting job, for humiliation.

So these gentlemen who are here in this embassy do not only take care to defend the invasion of their masters in Ukraine. In every country they are, as in ours, they organize the political reaction, the worst oligarchs, the worst hustlers, as the people call them, and they come like leeches, and they destroy what gives the country independence, what gives it pride, they destroy its growth, its industry, and its energy.

So they have left us at this moment to suffer from Russian blackmail more than any other country in Europe. Because Putin may be killing the Ukrainians with his bullets, but he has entered all houses and is increasing electricity, gas, and oil [prices]. Because he turned off the gas valve in September to blackmail Europe and give the message: “if you support the Ukrainians, you will be frozen in the winter”. It is because of Putin that gas price hike, the DEI (Electricity Public Company) price hike, this is part of the blackmail. The Greek people are suffering from it. Those who have no money because they do not have growth and industry, those who have the worst bosses and the worst salaries, must also find money for electricity.

That is the problem with Putin. He did not rush like Hitler outwards to simply attack. He has made sure to have [his own] people in the countries [that he wants to get].

He has planted his people in all countries, and in the tortured Ukraine itself. And here [in Greece] he has the most robust Fifth Column of all time. The people of Greece will soon suffer from it.

That is why we call on you all, regardless of your views on political parties, as long as you are democrats and believe in this country, as long as you do not want to sit on the neck of its people. We, the whole democratic, the whole honest people, the whole people that care about this country, will be able to unite.

For a Greece with dignity

For a democratic Greece

For a Greece that helps the peoples who are oppressed.

If the whole of Europe thinks that way, if it does not succumb to the sirens telling it to get along with Putin so as not to get in trouble, if Europe stood up, then we could even avoid the very great, the terrible disaster. We can stop him in Ukraine.

Unity - United anti-fascist front - Global united anti-fascist front (...)

(...) [This] is a first picture, the first awakening. The people have more lessons to learn, and give Putin even worse and painful ones.

We are on the side of the Ukrainian people. We are all part of the same fight >>.


The rally loudly shouts the slogans:






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