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Νέα Ανατολή αρ.φ.559 (εδώ μπορείτε να βρείτε τα φύλλα από φ.486-Μάρτης 2013-και νεώτερα)

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crisis russia

Άρθρα Αναφοράς


Εκδόσες Μεγάλη Πορεία







Published on 27/9/2022 in the newspaper «Nea Anatoli» of the Greek Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Organization for the Reconstruction of the CPG (OAΚKE) -https://www.oakke.gr/global/2013-02-16-19-26-19/item/1508-


Few political regimes in the world manage to become the object of such universal and such intense hatred from the masses as does the fascist theocratic regime in Tehran. The new evidence that shows that the ground is seriously creaking under the feet of this bloodthirsty monster is not the mass demonstrations in the streets – this was also the case in a number of other popular uprisings. The new evidence is the burning of the hijabs and the cutting of women's hair - symbolic moves that show however that the Iranian democratic masses are moving in the direction of pulling the fight with the mullahs’ regime to the extreme. Because in the age of globalization, the political imposition of the medieval clergy on society becomes even more unbearable, especially the social marginalization and the complete loss of human dignity for women, the suffocating control over her behavior and appearance, which led to the recent murder of the young Mahsa Amini by the morality police.


The anger is overflowing, the rebellious women and male democrats together are fighting back against the violence of the forces of repression, and the regime is obliged to use even more violence to delay its fall, which will ultimately not do it any good. The blows that the democratic Iranian people have dealt to the fascist regime come to further hit politically the global offensive carried out at the same time by the Russo-Chinese neo-Nazi Axis, in which the fascists of Tehran have a prominent position. In fact, it is no coincidence that the current President Raisi, who has gradually reintroduced the strict rules on women's clothing since last year and caused the uprising, maintains excellent relations with the Kremlin. He came to power a year ago due to the policy of fascist Russian-controlled and provocateur Trump towards Iran that undermined the normalization of Iran's relations and especially the relations of the most moderate mullahs with the West. It was by reason of this provocation that the previous president of the country, Rouhani, fell from power. Rouhani had, not accidentally, significantly eased the measures for the surveillance and humiliation of women in past years precisely in order to effectively ease the anger of the Iranian youth but also to strengthen his position vis-à-vis the Russophiles of the neo-Nazi Raisi-Ahmadinejad clique. That is why the explosion by the young women is as strong as never before; because they had breathed easy for a while and it became unbearable for them to return to their previous condition. So unbearable did it become that even a part of the religious women who wear the hijab out of conviction and are close to the mullahs as members of the ruling class took a stand in favor of the right of women not to wear it and therefore in favor of their movement.

Everything indicates that Raisi will attack harshly and brutally suppress the democratic movement, which is growing stronger but still stays at the spontaneous level. Because within the regime, the supreme leader of the country – a pro-Russian but not Russian-controlled like Raisi – the national-chauvinist, fascist Khamenei is on his last leg. Therefore, the issue of his succession is one of great importance for the path that the mullahs will take in relation to their international allies (the issue of whether their troops are to remain or not in Syria, the rupture with Sadr in Iraq, etc.). However, even if he succeeds in suppressing it through terror, this seismic uprising of women will be working from below in Iranian society and setting the ground for much wider and deeper uprisings than ever. Because women in times of political stagnation are the social factor that the oppressors make sure to be the most conservative and skeptical of a revolution, but when they make the big mistake and trample it underfoot then it turns into the opposite of it, so it pushes the social revolution inconceivably forward. The Russian-Chinese social-imperialist Axis has generally declared a global cultural and political war against women since all its countries support in practice or even legislatively male violence against women in the name of the stability of the family. However, due to the fact that the most wretched of the mullahs of Iran are at the vanguard of this war, the uprising of the Iranian women against the violence they undergo is at the forefront of the global democratic anti-neo-Hitler movement next to the great national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people.

That is why the friends of the neo-Nazi Axis around the world and of course in our country are so worried about this Iranian uprising that they do not keep the pretenses and literally "keep their mouths shut" about it. Typical of this is that the whole pseudo-left has nowhere mentioned the strengthening of the dictatorship there today, that is, under Raisi. It has not even mentioned that the central slogan of the uprising is "death to the dictator", meaning Khamenei, while it commissioned KEERFA, this well-known frontal "anti-fascist" veil of local social- fascism, to express its support for the Iranian uprising with a minimal presence in the Syntagma square (Athens) and, even worse, with a despicable announcement. KEERFA is concentrating its verbal fire on the fact that today's earthshaking uprising is a continuation of the one in 2019 [in reality supported by Raisi to oust Rouhani]. It claims that the uprising of 2019 was caused by the ... West with its sanctions against Iran [they mean the Russian Trump’s provocation with which Europe disagreed], and that the West, the statement continues, hypocritically supports women in Iran since ... it forbids hijab, oppresses black people in the US, and it is drowning Iranian refugees in the Aegean Sea. This is how the social-fascists react wherever Hitlerism takes its most abhorrent forms. They justify those forms by equating them with aspects of Western repression where the criminal lumpen, social-fascism and Islamo-fascism deliberately infiltrate spontaneous movements of oppressed masses and provoke them by enabling Western open exploiters, fascists and right-wing extremists to break out on them.

Needless to say that Iranian society does not care what the social-fascists of Europe say and will carry on, either openly or underneath, but with greater passion than ever before, the struggle to crush the fascist mullahs’ regime and finally prevent the bloody attack of the neo-Hitler axis against the planet. Together with the struggle of the Bosnian and the Chechen people, the struggle of the Syrian people and now the struggle of the Ukrainian people, revolutionary uprisings such as the one of the great Iranian people open a new glorious revolutionary era for humankind.

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