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crisis russia

Άρθρα Αναφοράς


Εκδόσες Μεγάλη Πορεία






HAMAS’ ATTACK ON ISRAEL IS OF HITLER'S GENOCIDE TYPE - Israel will not be able to defeat neo-Nazis militarily unless it defeats them primarily politically

The following article was published on October 8, 2023 on the website of the Greek Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Organization for the Reconstruction of the CPG (OAΚKE) in the Greek Language


OAKKE condemns the barbaric attack by Hamas on Israel. It is an attack of nazi, antisemitic, genocidal type and like any previous one, serves the strategic goal of the annihilation of the state and the Jewish population of Israel itself.

Contrary to what Hamas and its brown-"red" friends around the world claim, the reason for this attack is not the settlement expansionist policy that is really practiced by the far-right and more expansionist sections of the Israeli bourgeoisie at the expense of the Palestinian people and state, especially in recent years in the West Bank. This is actually the pretext of the attack. We say this because Hamas is the main factor that since the Oslo agreement in the 90s has prevented any solution of the Palestinian questionwith the mass murders of Israeli civilians, openly denying the existence of an Israeli state, but indirectly also of a Palestinian one on the 1967 borders. In this way Hamas undermined the two-state peace policy of Arafat's mature Fatah and provoked the entire Palestinian national movement in the Israeli people’s consciousness. In exactly the same way, Hamas helped the Israeli expansionist far-right to come to power strengthened, and blow up the Oslo solution once and for all. The worst was that this same far-right with the gradual land grabbing and blockades of the Palestinians in the West Bank, exposed the Palestinian Authority as submissive to Israel having as a result that Hamas became politically stronger not only in Gaza but also in the West Bank.


Now, following the latest attack by Hamas, Russian diplomacy is "playing the centrist" game, by hypocritically talking about peace and pretending to be the friend not only of Hamas-Iran but also of Israel.

In essence, through Hamas’ war, Russia is trying to arbitrate the entire Middle East and permanently displace the USA, which was trying to achieve a unity against Russia, between Putin's two friends, Netanyahu and Salman: In fact, it aims to create - without exposing herself - a strategic distraction in the war that started against Europe, bringing about the deepest rift between the western bourgeois-democracies and Israel on the one hand, as well as the whole Arab Muslim world on the other, mainly the countries from which Europe imports its hydrocarbons. This may be achieved by the current bloodiest of all previous attacks from Hamas on Israel by provoking, as it has done each time so far, a much bloodier response from the latter, as the former systematically places its weapons in densely populated areas which Israel bombs. And Israel's ruling class is bombing these sites (although to a large degree they warn civilians beforehand), because they think that the outcome of this war is determined primarily by its ever-fleeting and territorially limited military effect, while in fact it is decided primarily by its political effect which is world-wide. Typical of this and also quite concerning is the fact that before even Israel has set out its counterattack none of the Muslim countries of the 2 billion people has yet condemned the all-bloody Hamas’ attack, and the great majority of those countries is calling upon Israel to show self-restraint (except for the few ones that openly back Hamas). Most of them behave this way not because they are pro-Hamas but because they are concerned for the possibility that Israel loses the war politically and so they in turn lose the public opinion.

This kind of attack that neo-Hitler’s axis is carrying out against Israel requires from it a kind of defense against the neo-Nazi provocateurs of Hamas based in principle on the political understanding by the majority of the peoples, especially the Muslim ones, of who the real aggressor and the strong part is and who the real defender and the weak part is in this conflict. In the case of Ukraine this is seen by almost all the peoples living in democratic conditions (except for the brown-"reds"), but in the case of Israel this could be seen by many people as reversed. In order for this not to happen, Israel should constantly prove that against Hamas and the global neo-Hitler’s camp, what is really happening is that it is in legitimate defense. This means: first, from a military point of view, it must limit its strikes to military targets, and not strike civilian Palestinian population contrary to what Hamas seeks, even if this means more casualties for the Israeli army; and second and above all from a political point of view, it must cease any policy of settlement-construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and at the same time announce and implement the return to a real policy of recognition of the Palestinian state and pursuit of the coexistence of the two peoples and states.

We know that the subjective conditions for the immediate implementation of such a truly victorious policy do not currently exist in Israel since it is the Netanyahu government that is leading Israel's current defensive war (https://www.oakke.gr/global/2013-02-16-19-26-19/item/1332-). After all, Russia, not by chance, has as a second simultaneous goal with this proxy attack on Israel to strengthen the position of her steadfast friend and protégé Netanyahu, who was endangered by the great democratic movement of the Israeli people against his far-right government and who now in the name of the common enemy refuses the patriotic proposal of the leader of the democratic opposition Lapid to form a government of national unity. In fact, through the current war of Hamas, Russia, unlike what has done with Ukraine, is attempting to mediate as a "peacemaker" throughout the Middle East and to permanently displace the strategically declining American superpower which has recently been foolishly and desperately trying to achieve unity against Russia and Iran between Putin's two reactionary friends, Salman of Saudi Arabia and Netanyahu, instead of standing resolutely on the side of the great democratic movements of the Middle East, namely that of the Iranian women, the Egyptians and Tunisians, but also the Israeli democrats. Their most direct aim was to secure the Western supply of hydrocarbons since the Salman-Putin oil alliance has made their price to surge.

But this war that has just started in the Middle East will be protracted and by its nature will mark the second largest episode of the war against Europe that was launched on February 24, 2022 by the Russian superpower with its Hitler-type invasion in Ukraine. During this war, the people of Israel, the peoples and anti-fascist and anti-imperialist movements of the Third World and of course the peoples of the encircled by the Russo-Chinese Axis Europe, led by their anti-fascist left, however marginal this may be today, will have to give united in the North and South not only a military but also a great political struggle to break this encirclement. Such a struggle will be determined by the amount of power and knowledge the democrats will have in their fight against the director of the world orchestra of monsters, Putin, alongside the heroic Ukrainian people, against the neo-Nazis of Iran and Hamas, alongside the defending democratic Israeli people and the Iranian women, in order to cover with their struggles and their own songs that same shrill, deadly music not only in Ukraine and the Middle East but all over the world.

Athens, October 8, 2023
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