Still, at the same time, the peoples of Europe should be careful about how to give that struggle, as, in terms of international politics and objectively, this slaughter is a huge provocation, equivalent of the Twin Towers’ one, which today serves Putin’s strategic diversion that started in the mid-2014 with ISIS. This is about neo-hitlerite Russia’s attempt to deter Europe from uniting its forces and dealing with the biggest threat to its existence, that is Russia’s invasion and partition of Ukraine, by making it imperialistically intervene in the Arab and Muslim worlds once again for chasing ISIS, Al Qaida and other assassins. That means that European countries will more deeply clash with the peoples of these regions and plunge into a huge quagmire, while Russia, which is adept at staying behind the scenes will take advantage of such ill-considered interventions, as has been already proved in Afghanistan and Iraq. Besides, the cartoonists’ slaughter threatens to sharpen the contradictions between the European peoples and the European Muslim immigrants, and further strengthen the ultra-right and fascist parties that count on the sharpening of this contradiction. These parties not accidentally have all a pro-Russian policy.
The European peoples must unite, isolate and crush the fascists of all kinds within them, while in the outside they must make a determined stand against every military intervention in the intra state conflicts in the Muslim world. The states and peoples there can unite and crash the brutal Islamic-fascists of ISIS, Al-Kaeda etc. types.
Athens, January 8, 2015