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Νέα Ανατολή αρ.φ.559 (εδώ μπορείτε να βρείτε τα φύλλα από φ.486-Μάρτης 2013-και νεώτερα)

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crisis russia

Άρθρα Αναφοράς


Εκδόσες Μεγάλη Πορεία









They generate hatred for Europe by fraud and they sabotage production so as to turn the country into a colony of fascist Russia

There are different kinds of lies, such as different kinds of liars. For a party, to promise things that cannot realize with the view to taking power is an ordinary lie. But to claim, just after taking power, that it has fulfilled a very basic promise it had made, e.g. that it has done away with the memorandums and with troika, though it signed both in front of the whole planet, this is a lie of Goebbels’ type. And it is so, not only because the governing party denies an apparent and internationally well-known fact, but because it insists on imposing this fraud in our country by changing the name of the things it has accepted.

The Goebbels’ lies have become even more alarming since their inventors have threatened the TV channels which revealed them, by saying that the latter have been plotting to overthrow the government on behalf of the creditors, while at the same time they have trampled on the parliament by refusing to pass through it the all-important agreement they have signed.

When a party is caught by the people telling such a lie, all its basic allegations must be examined. The most basic allegation of SYRIZA and of its fascist anti-European supporters (ANEL, “Golden Dawn”) is that the vast unemployment and the hunger have been brought about by the European creditors and their memos.

The truth is that what has brought about the memos was a disaster preceding and following them. We are talking about the devastation of modern large-scale production, especially the large-scale industrial one, by a long-standing (more than 20 years long) politically-originated sabotage led by the same SYRIZA (formerly known as SYNASPISMOS and before this as part of the pseudo-CPG).

Sabotage has been done under pretext of environmental protection, archaeology, bureaucracy, labor so-called anti-capitalism and during the crisis through the increase in the cost of energy. Highest political cadres of ND and PASOK, the two so-called pro-European parties, particularly the PMs A. and G. Papandreou, Simitis, Karamanlis II, and Samaras have actively taken part in the sabotage.

All the above mentioned saboteurs perpetrated this crime because they wanted to drag Greece behind the vehicle of fascist “orthodox” Russia and hand it over to the latter on colonial terms. That’s why they have been strengthening, even in the crisis, a Russia-tied state-fed oligarchy (Bobolas, Kokkalis, Kopelouzos, Mytilinaios, Vgenopoulos etc.) through scandalous contracts, while at the same time turning against the rest bourgeoisie by all means. It was the sabotage that caused a standing trade deficit, which in turn caused the huge debt, and the bankruptcy of 2009. Unlike what the pseudo-left and all fascists – mostly through anti-parliamentary mania – keep telling the people, it wasn’t the politicians’ pay-offs, but this sabotage that has brought about the memos.

If it was the politicians’ stealing that caused bankruptcies, then the most bankrupt country would have been the over-redundant China. Besides, the basic volume of state stealing is carried out by the corrupt state bureaucracy that remains intact, as it has been syndicalistically and politically protected by all parties, particularly by the pseudo-left and the fascists.

The most shameless “argument” of SYRIZA and of the nazi-fascists is that the European creditors, the Germans in particular, have brought us the memos so as to destroy and then cheaply buy Greece. However, those who have bought key-sectors of the country for free during the crisis were the Russian and Chinese state-monopolists, along with the pro-Russian Qatar, while Germany has lost all new investment (Siemens, photovoltaic plants in Crete) and all European banks have fled the country.

It is Russia that has bought the biggest stake and now controls the biggest bank in the country, Piraeus Bank (Nesis). Through Piraeus Bank, Russia absorbed without competition Agricultural Bank which controls the agricultural capital, while Qatar became dominant in Alpha Bank, 3rd in size among the 4 systemic banks of Greece. Russia keeps buying plants tied with agricultural production (Dodoni, SEKAP), hotels (in the islands but particularly in Halkidiki next to Athos Mount which she has an eye on), football teams (PAOK), the state gambling (OPAP) etc. Her Chinese ally, after seizing the Piraeus docks, has now absorbed another vast part of the port almost for free because of the crisis, something which SYRIZA directly accepted. In the years of the crisis Russia, after having controlled the natural gas, imposed on it the highest prices in Europe, with no single protest by any so-called patriotic party of the “left” or fascism. Finally, because of the crisis, and through over-taxation of the Greek landowners, Russia, China, and the Russian-allied Qatar have also been buying the best touristic land.

As sabotage reached its climax after 2009 by SYRIZA, G. Papandreou and Samaras, the unemployment has soared. The saboteurs claim that production fell because the consumption of the population has decreased. This actually happens only at an initial stage, as later on the external consumption – that is the exports – rises, which is something that only in Greece didn’t happen, while the over-indebted Spain, Ireland and Portugal have left memos behind as they developed their industries and raised the exports during the crisis. Only in Greece new productive capital has not channeled to industry in spite of the miserable wages.

It wasn’t the memo that prevented the diversion of Acheloos River, the gold plant in Halkidiki, and huge touristic investments (the most typical of which is the Toplou Monastery in Crete). The first thing SYRIZA did after seizing power in the over-indebted country was to avert the large-scale hydrocarbon research in the Ionian and the Libyan Seas, to stop the construction of the TAP energy-pipe, and to make invalid all the regulating (spatial and urban planning) projects and all permits for huge touristic investments.

Even if the debt was reduced to nothing our country wouldn’t prosper either, because the annual primary deficits would increase through the sabotage. Greece already pays a small amount of annuity in relation to her debt, contrary to what the pro-Russians of all parties, especially the Nazis of GD who talk of creditors-usurers, keep saying. This is due to the fact that the European state creditors have extended the settlement of the Greek debt to a period of 30 years and have dropped the interest rates lower than the most creditor-countries are borrowed themselves.

The leaders of SYRIZA know that Greece cannot live for a long time within a Europe of free competition while herself being a colony of the Russian and partly the Chinese state monopolies, while these monopolies will leave scant money in Greece in comparison with what they will plunder by forcefully destroying their domestic and western competitors. This policy will finally signal the exit from euro, and till then a standing conflict with the EZ, from which SYRIZA will constantly demand loans while incriminating EZ at the same time in the eyes of a more and more poverty-stricken people, so that the latter sweepingly flow into Russia’s arms. That’s why the government shows an “audacious beggar’s” attitude, which finally isolates it from the whole EZ, although SYRIZA has chosen Germany to be its chief enemy so as to make a breach within the EU in compliance with the Russian interests.

The Greek people must resist SYRIZA’s policy of sabotage, which is practically supported by all anti-European “red”-brown parties as well as by the pseudo-European pro-Russian leaderships of the ND, Potami (River), and PASOK parties, since they also openly declare that they stand behind SYRIZA in the “negotiations”. This is not a negotiation, this is a provocation against the country; it is actually the strengthening of the economic sabotage through the bank deposit runoffs, the chase of the modern productive investments and the market freeze. This is a course towards the extreme unemployment and hunger, towards national subjugation and deterministically towards fascist dictatorship. We call upon all the left-wing and democratic people, all those who really care about this country to strengthen OAKKE and help us form a broad democratic and anti-fascist front that will prevent this nightmarish prospect.

Athens, 3-3-2015

-The above text is translation from the Greek language of a billposter issued by OAKKE-